Long day.
I am tired of feeling dead tired everyday. But I *didn't* sleep through my alarm this morning. That's good. That's progress!
School was interesting... and frustrating. Basically I have 2 choices.
1. Quit or "delay" going back to school even though I am afraid THIS is my time.
2. Hire a Tutor to somehow get me skilled enough to continue.
The problem is I don't really know what I want to do... or, more importantly, what I want to BE.
Tonight was my sister's big work party. A Luau at the gardens (I should put up pictures... I took a ton) at Thanksgiving Point. It is so pretty there. The funny thing is Rinny basically came to get us in, stayed for about 5 minuets before she had to go to rehersals for Superman. (She is in an old MUSICAL of Superman! How weird is that?!) But yeah, the problem is I started feeling REALLY sick while there and ended up making the family leave early. Probably partially blood sugar... but I think I have a stomach flu of something. I am going to bed early tonight, maybe I will sleep. Feeling pretty crappy.

I applied to 5 more or so stupid telemarketer-ish jobs today. I need money. I need to pay my bills that the parent's aren't covering and pay them back for the ones they are. I hate the way I feel, I want to be independant... and it just sort of combines with all the other crap and my brain can't seperate stuff and therefore I just cry.
A lot.
About everything.
In addition, I am going to a Psychologist again soon... who thinks I may have ADHD, too... which is probably true as they sort of already told me that when I was little, but we just sort of DEALT with it. (Well, and I had to go to the school shrink every Tuesday in elementary school) But yeah, it is a good thing... sort of. But I am feeling like I have a few too many Diagnosies in my life and would like to REMOVE a few before adding more, you know? Maybe trade in Diabetes? Yeah.
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