Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy Holidays

This past couple months have been some wild holidays. In Vegas with the family we went to The Lion King, saw my darling tigers and dolphins at the Secret Garden (the 5 "cubs" are now SO much bigger but still just big kitties to me, but now 2 new little twin white cubs just charming the socks off the masses), etc.  Christmas was fun as home, and then New Year's we all went to respective friend parties and I saw SO many awesome friends there!

First of all, VEGAS. BOOM! Pictures abound.

It was a very fun trip.

Christmas was just... good. It was good to chill with the fam.  And, yes, doing all kinds of things to remember the birth of the Savior. We went to Temple Square to see the nativity out in the reflection pond and the lights, we read The Living Christ as a family as well as the account in the Bible.  We also watched The Nativity. If you haven't got a copy, you can for free from Okay, PSA over. ;)

NYE I really wanted to go play but was afraid I would feel too crappy. BUT I had a rare MILD headache, so I went.  It was so much fun. I felt almost normal, and I haven't been out of the dang HOUSE to see people in ages so it was pretty awesome.  Llama and his awesome wife and family held the party.  I rang in 2010 with Bobbie and her Hubby, the Bucksomes, The CFEs, Heather and Dirt, and others.  We played Trivial Pursuit, had a Mexican Food Potluck (I brought dollar menu stuff from Del Taco.  That's about as close to cooking as I get. Hee hee!), and just chilled, talked, laughed at kids, and blew paper horns.

Here is hoping 2010 beats the h*** out of 2009. GOOD GORDON.

1 comment:

  1. Oh googly moogly! I am with ya sister! I want 2010 to be much better than 2009!
